Sunday, June 3, 2012


A volcano is an opening in the Earth's surface that forms where the Earth's plates are either converging (coming together) or diverging (moving apart). They release pent-up hot magma, gases, and volcanic ash that has been trapped underground beneath these volcanoes. There are many types of volcanoes including:

Conical Volcanoes
Typical mountain-shaped volcanoes that spew lava from their openings. An example of this type of volcano is the Diamond Head volcano found in Hawaii.

 (Photo By: Soil-net)

Shield Volcanoes
Most of the largest volcanoes on Earth are of this type; they are wide with shallow-sloping sides. Shield volcanoes are found in Hawaii, Washington, and the Galapagos Islands.

 (Photo by: Jmauerer)

"A stratovolcano is a tall, conical volcano composed of one layer of hardened lava, tephra, and volcanic ash". These volcanoes are known to periodically erupt and two examples are the Krakatoa found in the Sunda Strait and Mount Vesuvius in the Gulf of Naples.

 (Photo by: Jon)


  1. I found this post to be very informative. I also really enjoyed the pictures you included. It made the post more interesting to read and to link the definitions with the pictures. Maybe next time you can include a brief paragraph on recent volcanoes that have opened up? Maybe even a short story on why volcanoes interest you?

    Really good work! An easy read and very interesting!

  2. I chose to do volcanoes as they're something I loved learning about in grade school but couldn't remember much about other than they errupt and emit hot magma, etc.

    My background is more human biology as my major is Health Sciences so I wanted to step outside my usual realm of topics: diseases, anatomy and physiology, etc.

    I enjoyed reading more on volcanoes and refreshing my memory of the different types and it makes me want to start all over with school as it made me realize just how much there is to learn.

  3. I really liked this post as I also find volcanoes fascinating. One fascinating thing I learned in an introduction to geology course is that the solids materials that can erupt out of valcanoes are called blocks and bombs, depending on their size.
