Friday, June 15, 2012

The Bed That Makes Itself!

I was pretty excited to come across this story about a bed that is designed to make itself. That's right! Like in the Jetsons!

How awesome would it be to have a bed that makes itself? Well let me list the reasons:
1. It saves time.
2. It allows you to maintain a presentable domicile.
3. You never have to hear someone (probably your mom) say "That bed is never going to make itself!", again.
4. You won't have to feel the sense of judgement if someone sees your room (again that is probably for the most part your mom)
5. If you are disabled and making your bed is a challenge, this may ease that challenge.

What are the drawbacks to owning such a device?:
1. It would promote laziness.
2. You will need to buy a special bed, pillows, blankets and comforters.
3. Like any appliance there may be malfunctions. If you think about it, do you really want a device that may malfunction in your bed while you sleep?
4. It is probably a purchase that your mom would not be proud of you for making.

As I listed it would promote laziness but it would save time in the mornings if you did not have to make your own bed. How is it any different then paying a maid, or allowing your mom to make your bed? I have shown this article/video to a few friends and their reactions seem to be split. Some say that it is pathetic that there could actually be a demand for such an invention. Others that I spoke with seem to think it is a great idea and they would like it if they could own the device.

When I think about the necessesity to buy a specific bed, and bedding in order for the device to work, I realize that this is only a prototype. The inventor is seeking investment, and with the right investment the devices creator may be able to innovate and adjust the device to be adaptable to any bed, and any bedding.

Personally, I am not sure how I feel about the invention. A big part of me sees that the development of luxuries like this is simply surrendering control of our daily activities to even more technology. Then I contrast it with the thought of "what if they invented a dishwasher that put away the dishes when it was finished cleaning?" or "what if my washer and dryer folded and stacked my clothes?". Would it be so wrong to buy into those? Maybe some people feel like it is not necessary because it really is such an easy task to complete. That is not to say that it would not have a use. As I mentioned before, perhaps someone who is physically challenged has great difficulty with the task. I believe there are benefits to the development of a invention like this but I think we need to be careful and monitor how lazy society allows itself to become!

1 comment:

  1. I think this is absolutely fantastic!!! I am a neat freak but I HATE making my bed... I don't see the point in making it when I get up only to crawl back into it at night. However, it bothers me when it's not made... I just can't win. As long as it can't electrocute me then sign me up for a study trial!
