Sunday, June 17, 2012

Radiation From Mocrowaves
Radiation is defined as "the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and absorebed by another body." Many of us come in contact with radiation everyday. In a household, many radiation sources can be found. For example, the TV, the smoke detector, and a microwave.,r:0,s:0,i:84&tx=97&ty=40

A microwave is found in a typical household. As I placed my food into the microwave a few days ago, a relative, whose older in age, began saying how unhealthy microwaves are and how much we use them. At that time, it came to mind how often we are exposed to hazardous materials from day to day activities. Yet, all these sources are considered to be safe.

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety explains that in general, a high level of exposure to microwave radiation, of which most is absorbed by the body, where it is transformed into heat. Body parts which are sensitive, such as the eyes and the brain, are not able of getting rid of the extra heat which would cause it to build up. However, it also mentions that the amount of radiation that microwaves emit is not enough to cause this bodily harm.

In the past, microwave radiation caused problems to people with pacemakers. Interaction with oyhrt electoral sources, caused the pacemaker to malfunction and send incorrect information to the heart muscles. Now, properly maintained and operated microwaves should not cause this problem. As an additional precaution, electromagnetic shields have been put into the new pacemakers.

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