Monday, May 14, 2012

Disappearance of the Honeybees

Since 2006, bee colonies in North America have been on the decline and it is unknown what is causing this phenomenon, known as colony collapse disorder (CCD). Reports of a decline in the Honeybee population have also been reported in many other countries including Taiwan, Germany, Belgium, and France. There have been many theories on why the Honeybee population has been declining so rapidly. Three of these theories include the use of pesticides, the introduction of genetically modified crops, and even cell phone radiation.

 (Photo by: David Nikon)

Pesticide Use
Certain pesticides, neonicotinoids, have long been known to be toxic to Bees. Studies have suggested that when mixed with other chemicals, this pesticide causes bee death in high numbers. These pesticides have been approved for the use in food production but their impact on bees has not been taken into consideration. There is a documentary "The Vanishing of the Bees" that suggests it is indeed the use of pesticides that is causing our bee populations to decline so rapidly. This film suggests that the long term exposure to neonicotinoids is to blame for the reduced population of Honeybees around the world.

Genetically Modified Crops
It is thought that gentically modified crops contain a modified form of pollen and it is this pollen  that is affecting the bees. It is suggested that this modified pollen is causing malnutrition amongst the honeybees and thus they are dieing out rather rapidly. This "new" pollen is indigestable by the bees and thus is killing them by causing both malnutrition and GI tract problems. The gene for bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is being added to crops in order to prevent pests from eating the crops without actually having to spray pesticides. Virtually, the pesticide is now built into the crop. Although specialists confirm that this Bt gene does not affect Honeybees, there is strong evidence that suggests otherwise.

Cell Phone Radiation
Research has shown that the radiation given off by cell phones is actually interfering with the Honeybee's navigational senses. An experiment was carried out in which two beehives were set up, one with cell phones nearby and one without. This particular study found that the hive in which cell phones were nearby to experienced a decrease in the size of the beehive, a reduction in the number of eggs the queen bee laid, and a decrease in the number of bees that would actually return to the hive after pollinating flowers. However, as research goes there are also studies that discredit this and say that cell phones do not interfere with beehive communication.

There is no proof that any of these things or at least any of these things alone are resulting in CCD. However, there is plenty of evidence that suggests it may be a result of a combination of these three things as well as other things. Attached is a brief clip showing the significance of Honeybees in the food chain and their impact on us.


  1. Cool Post!

    I had heard a report a while back that the bees may have disappeared because honey farmers imported Australia bees to mate with north American bees. When this happened it screwed up their biorhythms and they died. Maybe that was just another theory, but it is cool to see the different theories explored.

  2. There's so many different theories... I'm not sure any one has been proven. Personally, I think it's probably a combination of a few things. I just picked three of the more popular theories and by no means did I explore all of them. The one you have brought up about the Australian bees is not one I had heard of but it is interesting as well.
