Monday, May 14, 2012

The Big Bang Theory: a Review

So I will admit it, I am a HUGE NERD! My two favorite TV Shows are "House" and "The Big Bang Theory". Truthfully, they are really the only TV shows I watch on a regular basis. Here I am going to attempt to provide some background information on the latter of the two TV shows and provide a brief "The Idiot's Guide to the Big Bang Theory" for those of you who may not be as big of a science geek as I am.

(Photo provided by: Juan)

Leonard, Sheldon, Rajesh, and Howard are your stereotypical but pricelessly socially awkward geeky physicists. They crack jokes all the time that are seldomly understood by others on the show with an IQ less than 130. These guys are nerdy as well as geeky what with their physicist backgrounds but constant references to Star Wars and comic books. My boyfriend and I watch this show together and both love it but for very different reasons. I watch it and laugh at the science jokes (and then cry a little inside at the fact that I understand most of them) whereas my boyfriend understands the D&D references and the Star Wars jokes.

Here, I will provide a couple of clips of the show and try to simplify and explain the content for someone who does not have a background in science or perhaps does not have an IQ over 150.

The Friendship Algorithm
An algorithm is simply a step-by-step process for coming up with calculations. It is great for data processing as well as reasoning. In this video clip, Sheldon is attempting to produce an algorithm (almost in the form of a flow chart) to reason out why and how people make friends. Sheldon is a brilliant physicist but definitely lacks people skills. He has to have a concrete explanation for everything and believes nothing comes by fate. If you did not know what an algorithm was or know the personality of Sheldon you may have assumed he was an escaped convict babbling on in a made up language.

The Doppler Effect
In this video clip, Sheldon dresses up as the Doppler Effect for a Halloween Party and gets discouraged when nobody understands his costume. Unlike in the last clip, he does try to explain to Penny what the Doppler effect is here: "the apparent change in the frequency of a wave caused by relative motion between the source of the wave and the observer". Now if you're anything like myself and Penny, this definition doesn't help you any with what he's dressed up as. However, in lamens terms, the Doppler Effect is demonstrated when a motorbike races by you. It is loudest when it is right beside you and the sound trails off as the driver rides into the distance. This change in sound as the distance between you and the motorbike changes is the change in frequency of the sound waves that Sheldon is referring too.


  1. I love the fact you decided to write about The Big Bang Theory. I love the show but I have to admit I don't always understand the jokes made in the show. It's nice how you took a concept from the show and translate it into layman's term for everyone who isn't a science junkie.

    I can't believe the season is over already but I have to say I'm not really sure how I feel about the way the ended the season.

  2. The Big Bang Theory is such a good show! The writers are extremely talented to not only be able to write a cute sitcom based on relationships between the characters but they also throw in scientific theories and scientific jokes that are all accurate! I think the writers must be scientists of some sort because the science humor is not faked and I imagine it would be very difficult to transform into a joke or something that is relatable to the characters. I have one question, what is D&D?

  3. D&D is a board game called Dungeons and Dragons that I will admit do not play and know nothing about.

    Lily: I have not been faithfully watching the new season I have to admit. I watch The Big Bang Theory online mostly but I do love the show. It makes me sad just how many of the science jokes I understand.

    Holly: I agree that the writers and producers must have some kind of background in Science. But the show is so well rounded with relationships (or lack thereof) and geeky references to comic books and games as well that I think they must do some "research" or have quite a varied background.

  4. I love this show. I am actually watching it right now on television. I agree with Holly's comment about how accurate the scientific theories are that they joke about. I really do not get the Star Wars jokes though as I am not a fan of that show. Sheldon is the funniest though!
