Saturday, May 12, 2012

Abortion: To Be or Not to Be Pro-Choice

I am choosing to write on such a controversial subject because I feel a lot of people have opinions on the subject but aren't neccessarily educated on the subject. Therefore,  it's a great subject to start a conversation (as is the point of blogs) and/or debate on. As with most people I too have an opinion on the subject, however, my goal of this blog is to provide common arguments for both pro-choice and pro-life. Therefore, when people are forming their own opinion on the subject of abortion they can form an educated one.

1969 - Abortions become legal and are publicly-funded for women whose lives are likely to be in danger by continuing the pregnancy.

1988 - Different provinces decide their own regulations regarding abortions.

1989 - Abortion remains a criminal offence but is permitted on some grounds.

1991 - Babies do not have rights unless they are born alive; girls 14 years and older can have an abortion without parental consent.

If one is pro-choice it means that they believe a woman has complete autonomy over her reproductive rights. There are many reasons why women chose to abort. Some of these reasons include: inadequate finances, it changes a woman's life, the pregnancy was caused by rape or incest, and finally the woman has other underlying health problems. More often than not, people who are pro-choice feel that the fetus does not have rights while still in the mother's womb and therefore it is the mother's right to have an abortion. Many people argue that the main reason for making abortion permissible is that pregnancies occur in many unwanted circumstances. If women can't seek a proper legal abortion they may end up seeking an illegal one anyways under dangerous conditions. If the woman is going to seek an abortion either way she might as well have the right to a legal, safe one.

The Pro-life argument states that people should preserve life at all costs. There are any arguments supporting the pro-life claim. This stance argues that life begins at conception and therefore abortion is committing murder. This position also supports that women who demand control over their body should take control and use contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies. It is also argued that much of society is against abortion and therefore tax payers dollars should not be used to publicly fund abortions. Lastly, a huge argument that supports the pro-life stance states that many people who seek abortions are young and perhaps uneducated and can't fully understand the consequences of their actions.


  1. I have to say I'm all for Pro-Choice. There are many reasons why women will choose not to keep the fetus. These reasons could range from a variety of things and if these reasons are legit why shouldn't the women be able to choose for themselves. Forcing the women to keep the fetus before it's developed because some argues life has begun is similar to forcing the women to give up her life for the fetus life.

    Also, there are arguments that women should use contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies but who said contraceptives are going to prevent pregnancy 100%. Most of the labels for contraceptives and the information available about these contraceptives are reluctant to say they are 100% effect. So what are women suppose to do when contraceptives they are taught to use to prevent pregnancy doesn’t always work and unexpected things occur.

    This topic will create some great discussion since this is an ongoing topic and till this day there is no right or wrong answer.

  2. That's why I chose to write on this subject. I think it will be great for discussion and debate.

    Personally, I am pro-life in most scenarios. There are extreme cases in which I think abortion is alright. However, I disagree with it being used as a form of birth control. No contraceptive is 100% effective and people should educate themselves if they are going to participate in such mature activities as intercourse.

    I think if you're going to make that choice then you need to be prepared for all the possible consequences, as with any decision you make. I agree women have a right to their body but I feel a fetus also has rights. Since the woman (and not in all cases but most) brought the situation upon themselves then the fetus does have a right to life more so than does the woman have a right to her body.
